Still catching up at work, so this post comes to you from my home (at 5:00am on my day off, no less!) More Bergrennen – the LOCOMOTIVE: What could be more fitting? The Shay geared steam locomotive was hill-climbing in WV long before the first 911 met an incline. From the Cass Scenic Railroad website: “Invented to do the impossible, the Shay logging locomotive was designed to climb the steepest grades, swing around hairpin curves and negotiate frail temporary tracks.” Sounded Bergrennen to us… A handful of RGruppers hill-climbed via Shay Engine #11, climbing (and descending) 9% grades and two …
WERKing the ’72. part I
A 1972 911T Targa arrived at the shop on a rollback early in May 2011. An accompanying telephone call informed us that the Porsche had been in storage since 1994, and had been towed to Zuffenhaus to be returned to use. The Targa’s VIN was not in our database, nor was there any record of previous visits by the owner – this was unusual, as new clients rarely send their Porsches to service provider without at least setting foot in the facility! More interesting was the condition – aside from a color change and carburetor install, the Targa was VERY …
2012 RGruppe Bergrennen, part II
Now that we’ve been back from the West Virginia event for a week and had time to decompress and begin to deal with the pile-up that occurs in the shop schedule after being out of town, it’s time for more 2012 RGruppe Bergrennen images! Each day of the event I was struck by the perfect timing of Autumn in the WV mountains – if there were an icon suitable for association with this gathering the image above would be it! Lots of autumn leaf action: But I digress. The parking lot is the foundation of an RGruppe event as I …
2012 RGruppe Bergrennen
We’ve just arrived home from the 2012 rGruppe Bergrennen event at Snowshoe, West Virginia. As this was the first major East Coast RGruppe event, expectations were high and the weekend was a resounding success. Due to the proximity of major Government facilities (huge radio and telescope site it seems) cell coverage and Internet access were spotty at best. As a result, these blog posts are being made retrospectively, as the images are downloaded and sorted back here in real life 😉 Stay tuned for developments on this event post, but for now, enjoy a few images: – and the little …
2012 R Gruppe Treffen, part III
I’m writing this from the comfort of my home, after eventful air travel back to the Carolinas, another Treffen successfully concluded. Before the remaining event photos, I thought everyone would appreciate Zuffenhaus rental car return policy – leave no fuel unburnt: We had 3 miles to go at the time of this photo – it likely stalled on the check-in attendant as we headed for the terminal 😉 Here are the rest of the photos from the event: (the owner of MS Road & Race) Thanks to both Chris and Freeman for another great Treffen experience! Everyone else – stay …
2012 R Gruppe Treffen, part II
Some more randomness from Solvang.
RSR fiberglass
No, not the challenging aftermarket bumpers/tail – the engine compartment ‘glass inspired by the historic Porsche race engines. Here are some pictures of what I’m referring to, taken from engine bay of a fellow rGruppe member’s ’72. Being the barely-amateur iPhone photographer that I am, I can’t possibly capture the light, texture, and tone of raw engine compartment fiberglass. Coupled with patinated aluminum and magnesium and yellow cad plated fasteners it creates a stunning, vintage aesthetic worthy of cooling fan whine and gutteral sport muffler sounds.
Intermission (Treffen)
964 AS BACK DATE PLATFORM Our visit to SVD got us thinking about the Zuffenhaus 964-based RSR that is now in assembly stage, as shown here: (please excuse the shop rag – the dust bunnies of our industry) The 964 is the ultimate back date platform – body panels and lines that do not stray far from the original pen but mechanical system developments that provide for chassis rigidity, functional climate controls, antilock brakes, and effective drivetrain right out of the box. SVD puts their signature on the 964 chassis as is well documented in the press – a synthesis …
2012 R Gruppe Treffen
Hello from the 13th RGruppe Treffen in Solvang, CA! Zuffenhaus has been fortunate to be a part of the organization since 2006 and has enjoyed memorable drives and late night parking lot shenanigans over the years. On our way we stopped by SVD to drop off some parts and catch up: Due to the top secret nature of the Singer studio, that’s the only photo we can show you (for now). 😉 During all this we received this in an email from Quail Hollow: (Apparently the ladies are into ZUF as well.) A few hours later found us at the …
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