Zuffenhaus Products’ 2.8RSR Calipers being assembled, QC’d, and prepared for shipping to Europe in time for the 2012 Techno Classica in Essen. Contact TwinSpark for details, ordering instructions!
Techno Classica 2010
Well, it’s 3:52am on the last day of the Techno Classica 2010, and we (the US Zuffenhaus team) are having to depart a day early, leaving Europe in the capable hands of Leonard and Daan Stolk, our friends and counterparts in the Netherlands. It’s been a productive week. For those of you who haven’t been to Essen for Techno Classica, it is a huge vintage car event, full of Barrett Jackson-esque sales and PRI-style trade displays, with a swap meet and vendor hall thrown in. The Messe in Essen in which it is held is an extrodinarily large collection of …
Techno Classica 2010
Justva quick note to let everyone know that ZRF will be in Germany at the Techno Classica in Essen, supporting our European distributor; Zuffenhaus Europe and their retail arm; TwinSpark Racing. Stop by the booth (shared with PS Automobile) and say Guten Tag!